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Cse lab manuals regulation 20 anna university cse 1st 2nd. Identify a software system that needs to be developed. To develop a miniproject following the 12 exercises listed below. Draw standard uml diagrams using an uml modeling tool for a given case study and map design to code and implement a 3 layered architecture. For example, if a new computerized library information system is desired, how will it be used. Cs2357 object oriented analysis and design ooad lab manual. Cs8582 object oriented analysis and design laboratory. Jun 14, 2018 cs8383 syllabus object oriented programming laboratory regulation 2017 anna university free download. Object oriented programming lab manual all experiments cse 3rd semester. Approved by aicte, new delhi and affiliated to anna university. Cs2353 ooad anna university ugpg syllabusnotesquestion. Cs8383object orinted programming lab it6601 mobile. Anna university ece 5th smester lab manuals and viva questions collections. Jan 08, 2012 cs2357 object oriented analysis and design lab anna university lab manual for all exercises objective.
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